02 Mar 2020 Teacher Of The Year Awards Banquet

One teacher from each Clinton City and Anderson County School selected by their peers will be recognized as a “Teacher of the Year”. Four principals will also be honored. Help the Education Foundation for Clinton City & Anderson County Schools make this a special event for this dedicated group of teachers.
The Education Foundation for Clinton City and Anderson County Schools partners with the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce, community leaders, business and industry, and Anderson County citizens to sponsor the annual Teacher Appreciation Banquet.
The banquet recognizes outstanding professionalism, classroom leadership, and significant contributions made by Clinton City and Anderson County School educators during the year. The banquet also provides an opportunity for the community to say “Thank You” to our educators for their commitment and dedication to our students.
The banquet provides the Education Foundation with resources to:
- Support our schools
- Provide professional development for our educators
- Prepare our students for a lifetime of success
Through contributions made to the banquet the Education Foundation funds programs such as:
- The Teacher Supply Depot
- Enrichment Program Grants
- Traditional Classroom Grants
- Health & Wellness Grants Generated by the Clinton 5K
- STEM & STEAM Programs
- Student Scholarships to help with Early Post Secondary Opportunities (EPSO)
Sponsorship Opportunities Are Available
APRIL 21, 2020
5:30 P.M.
To be held in the Family Life Center at First Baptist Church, Clinton
For more information,
please call (865) 463-1017.