Health And Wellness Grants

To Support The Youth Enrolled In Health and Wellness Programs

Health and Wellness Grants

The Education Foundation for Clinton City & Anderson County Schools provides a variety of services for Anderson County and Clinton City Schools. As a result of the success of the annual Clinton 5k, the Foundation is pleased to offer the opportunity to apply for funds to support the emotional, mental, and/or physical health and wellness of students enrolled in both school systems. In keeping with this goal, the Education Foundation requests that grantees support the Clinton 5k through their participation as a volunteer/participant or in recruiting sponsorship and/or runners for the race. This participation is an evaluation factor for grant applications.

Grant proposals can be submitted in any amount up to $1,000.00 based upon the applicant’s request. Please be specific in regards to the amount requested to fund your Health and Wellness Project for students in your school.

The Health and Wellness Grant proposal submission opportunity window opens each year on November 1st and extends until December 14th with awards announced in mid-January.

Grant recipients will request reimbursement for purchases covered by this grant after purchases are made up to the amount awarded. Grant recipients will submit copies of the original invoices and packing lists along with copies of the checks reflecting payment of those invoices. The Foundation will then reimburse the school for those purchases covered by the grant. The Foundation also requests that grant recipients provide photographs of the grant project being implemented in the school(s).

For more information, contact Shelley Phillips at

Click here to view a non-fillable form that can be used as a guide for completing the online application. Note: Only online applications will be accepted.

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