Holtzclaw Fund STEM Grants
The Education Foundation for Clinton City & Anderson County Schools provides a variety of services for Anderson County and Clinton City Schools. As a result of the success of a variety of fundraising, other grant awards, and private donors, the Foundation is pleased to offer schools the opportunity to apply for funds provided by the Holtzclaw Family Grant. This grant is to be used to support either:
#1 The implementation of sports programs or funding for participants who have a need as identified by the Coach/Athletic Director/Principal of the school as long as grant funds are available; OR
#2 The implementation or advancement of STEM/STEAM related programs in a school.
The Holtzclaw Family Grant application windows close the 10th of each month (August through April) of each school year. However, sports applications can be submitted when an emergency need is identified by the Coach/Athletic Director/Principal.
School sports programs and STEM/STEAM programs are eligible for one grant proposal funding per year for up to $1,000 per grant request. For the Sports Grant, in the case of multiple grant proposals from Coach/Athletic Director/Principal, only one proposal will be selected for funding through The Foundation per school year per sport. The Coach/Athletic Director/Principal applying for the grant must provide documentation as to how the grant award will support the student or improve the sports program where the funds will be used. For the STEM/STEAM Grant, funds will be awarded to one STEM/STEAM program per year per school. The applicant must detail how the grant will improve the STEM/STEAM program offerings in the school and how students will benefit from the grant.
The Grant funds awarded must be spent during the school year in which they were awarded. Grant funds cannot be carried over to another school year to be spent. Items purchased with grant funds become the property of the school designated in the grant proposal unless those funds were used through the Sports grant to supply students with equipment or items necessary for their individual participation (i.e., shoes, socks, uniform, etc.)